Company Programs
Transform to a data-driven, market-focused team
As commercial leader you want to achieve your goals and make the highest possible impact. That means reacting immediately if the market changes, and understanding that 'old tricks' won't work in a new reality. It means challenging your assumptions, allowing you to go beyond the 'guestimates'.
You'll need full insights: on your performance, environment, market-fit and options to improve. For what we call data-driven marketleadership: realising your commercial ambitions by making sure you are running in the right direction, before you focus on running as fast as possible.
Recognize this?
The market has changed tremendously: innovations, financial crises, pandemics, etc. Your organization is affected and you want to get (back) on course fast. With a solid, justified strategy.
You want to improve your results by deploying people and resources where they'll have the most effect. Doing more wasn't working, so it's time for a more effective and efficient approach!
You want to evaluate all your segments the same way, but are not sure if you have eyes on all factors that influence your success.
Your operational systems -like Hubspot and Salesforce- help optimize, but don't provide the strategic insights you need to determine the right direction for your commercial activities.
You don't want to depend on external agencies anymore -whose advice is really just valid until the next market issue- but grow valuable knowledge, motivate your team and ensure their buy-in for your strategy.
You know you don't have full market insights, but your team doesn't have the expertise or time to fix this. They may not know where to start, or are simply drowning in the abundance of collected data.

Why we created these programs

As Marketing Director and Strategy Consultant I've seen quite some businesses from the inside. Seen them struggle with making the right strategic decisions in an ever faster changing business environment.
I know from experience that gathering the right insights is a challenge, that it takes time to continuously determine what to look for and collect input from the entire organization, that with every change you have to go through the full process again, sometimes making it tempting to 'oversee' factors you don't immediately have input on ...
But you can get the required overview: by working towards data-driven marketleadership. Through a number of logical steps. Steps that we have optimized and carefully fitted into our programs, in close collaboration with professors of colleges and universities, and with commercial directors. Our programs allow you to choose the right direction for your commercial activities based on market fit. To gather relevant strategic insights, so you can determine your commercial or business strategy confidently.
Our pragmatic programs
Whether you reach your commercial goals is largely determined by your business environment. That's why it's crucial to include insights on the full playing field in important decisions. To get to data-driven marketleadership.
Our Programs lead you through the right steps in the right order. Gathering data from both tools and people. People you'll also need to activate your strategy. So why not make the strategy process a collective and fun one!

Program 1
Your Health Check
For a strong strategy you'll need to see the full picture. Which starts by defining your ambition, as that dictates which insights you'll need. And determining your current situation. Do the tools you work with provide the insights in the format you need? Can you draw the right conclusions from existing dashboards, or do you need to make adjustments to the way tools has been set up?
This Program is the first stage of your data-driven Leadership journey, in which you'll discover:
What insights you need based on (corporate) goals
What relevant insights you have available
How to align existing tools

Program 2
Your Collective Intelligence
Once you know which insights you need and what required data is available, it is time to address your organization’s collective intelligence. To gather all relevant expertise and points of view, in order to define the gaps: missing insights, but also discrepancies between the market needs and your offer for each market. Your strategy should be aimed at closing both gaps.
This program is a workshop in which an inter-departmental team gathers relevant insights and perspectives, to:
​Secure available intelligence via the right questions
Discuss various points of view
Interpret the first outcomes

Program 3
Validation Framework
As human beings we like having our opinion confirmed and strengthened. And often unconsciously close ourselves off to information that challenges our convictions. But a strong strategy requires an open mind, so it's time to validate the gathered insights.
An important step to ensure your insights are reliable and validated via various sources, and build:
​The optimum research structure
Your desk research framework
Relevant customer survey(s)

Program 4
Strategy Selection Process
Data-Driven Marketleaders are collaborative. Because they know our preferences and biases taint the way we see the world. That's why –in the previous steps- we gather the right input, validate, and visualize our options. So the outcome -the optimum direction and required activities- are clear and accepted by all. For a strategy without buy-in is very hard to activate!
You'll use your insights to discover options and confidently choose a strategy, by knowing how to:
Interpret the reports
Immediately discover priorities
Discover the required marketing adjustments
Why these programs?
The transition to a data-driven and market-focused approach can be overwhelming. Where and how to start? And how to translate the strategy to effective activities that truly add value? Our programs guide you through the process, so you and your team will be ready if the market changes.
You'll make decisions confidently as you can oversee the full playing field. Despite the many, ever changing factors. Even if you operate in many markets with various products and services.
You'll finally get beyond the 'guestimates'! You'll know which commercial efforts will have the highest effect, which priorities to set and adjustments to make through a fun, inclusive process. ​​
Creating crucial insights for all commercial departments: Marketing and Sales, but also Innovation, Customer Service and Product Development. With a shared focus and buy-in, so you'll activate your strategy faster.
You'll be able to justify your commercial decisions, allowing you to reach your ambitions fast and with less risk and take advantage of commercial opportunities. ​​​
Some of the companies we have already helped